The world is pushing skin routines, products, botox, defining age…and I am over here trying to age like a European woman from the 1940’s. I shared this the other day on my instagram feed and someone replied to me that she felt “so seen” when I said that. I told her right back I felt so seen! Sometimes I am questioning these cosmetic decisions that so many people are doing. Many 30 and 40 years old are looking older than their age by using lip injections botox and so much more. I always think if the celebrities with all that money have the best connections to plastic surgeons in the world look like aliens how could little ol’ me find someone that wouldn’t do such a botch job. Not that I am thinking of doing any plastic surgery but I’ve thought about botox a few times. I think it gets harder and harder when everyone around you is using product and surgical fixes to keep young and you’re the only one around them trying to age gracefully and stay calm about it!
One of the other issues I’ve been seeing and facing is the amount of products used for skin routines. Face wash, toners, moisturizers, anti aging, anti puffing, acne treatments, the list goes on and on… The products are endless and the beauty cosmetic world is booming thanks to the world of influencers and young influencers sharing their product hauls and “get ready with me” routines.
I love products and so I got caught up a bit with some of the products searching the aisles of Sephora and Ulta. Looking at packaging to reviews and thinking I needed them all. I ran into a big problem…not only was my wrinkles not fading, but I was getting more and more adult acne. Everything seemed to be triggering my skin. Its one thing to start aging and realizing you don’t look 25 anymore its another to then face adult acne with fine lines and. dull skin. Let’s face it I needed to go to a dermatologist or start all over again.
I decided first to get rid of all the products I was using and I was reminded by a conversation I had with someone a few years back about the French soaps that are made with olive oil. How good they are for your skin. I had a few of these hanging around because I like to style my bathrooms with them and decided to give it a try for my face. After not much time at all I was noticing less breakouts. The fact that this was all natural and been used over time with the French women I was living my best 1940’s French lady life. Simple and natural with no fuss!
I stopped using the soap for a bit and went back to other products and immediately started seeing breakouts again around the holidays last year. When January came around I went back to just completely using this olive oil soap and added this one to my nighttime routine. I’ve since stopped using it only because I ran out and the bar of soap truly does the trick.
Not only has my face cleared up, the occasional pimple here and there, but no small bumps NO ACNE! I couldn’t believe it…I also heard that solving oil with oil is a good resolve.
A little more time had gone on and I started to notice my fine lines on my face were starting to soften. Still there but with less intensity. I think a few lines feels natural so I’m all for it but not nearly as noticeable as before. My skin feels soft and rejuvenated.
I truly wish I took a before and after photo but take my word for it it’s cheap and effective. Natural and easy! I might start to buy this and sell here for refills especially since I truly believe in the product so much, but for now here is an affiliate link to this French olive oil made soap.
Let’s go one more step and share my summertime makeup products that have truly changed the way I look. I have always used products for sensitive skin since that is my biggest problem especially with my face. So brands like Tarte and Bare Minerals have been my go-to for years and years. I used pressed powder for a long time and then as I started aging I noticed that a liquid foundation was best. For the winter months I love to use Bare Minerals and stick with the linen color because it truly matches my winter complexion the best. It’s a bit matte but not over cakey which I like. I decided now that my skin was clearer and I would be switching my makeup anyway for my tanner months to try something a bit lighter and with a bit of that youthful glow.

I found the Safe products worked so well and I am in Love. It’s got good coverage but light for the summer and has SPF as well.
I love using the glow serum on top and top if off with just a bit of a powder to keep it from being to glowy ( I mean I still have 36 year old skin with years of acne scarring, not quite youthful for pure porcelain.)
My skin feels so fresh and clear like I reversed age a bit with more vibrant skin thanks to the help of olive oil