This past weekend hubby and I worked on a small project for the kitchen. It was one of those spur of the moment ideas when I remembered I had this leftover scrap we had from our kitchen remodel. We had a piece of beadboard and some trim work. I originally wanted him to make something to look custom for Luca’s dog bowl, but after years of these pieces just sitting around I had a lightbulb moment!
We did not share any tutorials on how to make the plate rack mostly because we were using scrap that I couldn’t exactly tell you to buy and also because we were kind of winging it! I promise it was very simple and there are a ton of versions to make your own plate rack.

Here are a few plate rack tutorials I found: Wall Mounted Plate rack, creative ways to organize in the new year, New Kitchen plate rack
So, instead I decided how about I share some ideas on how to decorate a plate rack with what I have hanging around the house. It took me a while to commit to a style I like, but I love that as I thrift there may be more pieces I find that I could use to decorate this spot with. Honestly there’s no true trick to it…put whatever you love out on display and just create a well organized feel to it. Keep in mind the finishes in your dishes and accessories so that they too coordinate. One issue I was having were the different white shades I had on my plates. So be sure they coordinate and have fun with it!
Here’s the IG reels we did of the BEFORE blank wall and how it looks now with the dish rack. I would say that this dish rack is more for decoration where my dish rack I shared last week on our counter is for convenience. We really use those dishes that are displayed there, daily.
Here are a few ways I decorate my dish rack:
Style Number 1: This was how I displayed it for the IG reels and how I am most likely going to keep it for a while. I chose many elements I already have throughout my kitchen and pantry, so it feels similar to the rest of the space. We have very shallow shelves and did our bar within the inside so there isn’t much space for many layers, but I was able to layer the toile tray and silver platter in the center, and the two silver trays on the bottom. I chose a simple top with the white ironstone and then just to add a little more depth and that “gathered” feel I added some garlic hanging, a tea towel, and some copper pans. It feels balanced, fresh, but still collected.

Style Number 2: Still keeping to the vintage look, but I decided for more symmetry here. Creating a repetitive feel with the breadboards and white dishes. I love the unexpected oil painting still life here, and the tossed wooden spoons at the top. This feel is also very warm which I like paired with the gray rack.

Style Number 3: The simplest of all the looks I chose to keep things neutral here. More textures with the the plates and then to draw the eye up I put the still life above.

Style Number 4: This is the sweetest of all the styles! I actually had planned to add these dishes here, because they are some of my most favorite English dishes ever! I love how spring like they feel and repeating the pattern is a great way to create a cohesive feel. I paired it with a blue apron this time and love the idea of tossing in a cook book.

5 Responses
These ALL look so great and are just beautifully done!!! Bravo!!!
Fun! I would love more of these styling blogs. Really gets the creative juices flowing!
Love it, useful and looks great
Love the styling help
Nice blog! It’s giving me great ideas, for my new kitchen/pantry. Thanks
ALWAYS so beautiful!!