This is a post I’ve been meaning to get to for a while. I created this DIY chalkboard back in early January and it is just one of my favorite new pieces on my wall. Can you believe I pulled this off from a $2 picture frame I got at a flea market last summer? A fancy frame + some chalkboard paint+ a board= one fabulous and affordable chalkboard.
So, I decided for this the best material to create the board itself would be to use one of those wainscoting boards you find in the aisle of Lowes or Home Depot. Initially I was going to just get a piece of wood, but when I saw how thin this piece was an smooth I knew it would be a better product. No sanding and would be the perfect fit in the lip of the frame.
Steps to Create a DIY Chalkboard
First, cut your board to the height and width of inside the lip of the picture frame.
I used some Krylon Chalkboard spray paint since it would be much easier then rolling this out. One coat covered the surface and then I let it sit and dry.

Then apply to the frame…can it get any more easier?!
I love the fancy frame mixed with the simple everyday look of a chalkboard. I was missing having a chalkboard in our new house. The last house we had one in our hallways (back from the early days of blogging) and the large chalkboard wall we had in our kitchen.

I think it suits the pantry and fills this empty wall well.

Pro Tip* Search for a great thrifted oversize frame to have the antique look to get the french chalkboard look.
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10 Responses
What a great idea! And it’s so perfect on that wall. I have some huge framed art I bought for next-to-nothing at garage sales just to get the frames. Now I know what to do with one of them. Thanks so much, Deb, for sharing this.
Oh you are so welcome, and thank you! Such a fun and easy project!
Did you know that you can buy 4’x4′ pieces of chalkboard at home depot? I went there a few yrs. ago to get some chalkboard paint and masonite to do exactly what you did (had a few old frames from thrifting)……but when i went to get the masonite, I found chalkboard already to go…..My hubby cut it to fit a few different frames and Voila…..chalkboards…
Wow I had no idea, thank you for sharing that!
Adorable and your pantry is gorgous with your new everything in your home Deb. My favorite site now……
Thank you so much Jenny!I so appreciate that
I love this! I have a really beautiful ornate frame I’m thinking about doing this with. Thanks for the inspiration Deb!
Adams and Elm Home
Thanks so much Nancy! Sounds perfect to make one!
Love anything French! I have a gold frame in my spare
room that I have been wanting to do this with. Thank you
for the info and inspiration!
you are so welcome Cathy, You’ll have to share after you make it.