Have you ever thought of your home as a place of healing? Somewhere that completes you? I know the 8 months we spent in 2018 when we were waiting for the construction to be done in our house was extra hard because we felt empty. We had no HOME! It taught me so much of what the comfort of home stands for and how walking through that front door and throwing your bag on a hook, taking your shoes off, and feeling the stress of the day leave you…well that’s what home is. The familiar walls, the familiar faces, and the place where we can hide from the world for a little bit. We can dance in our kitchens with no one watching, put on the most comfortable clothes, zone out to a TV show, or sip a glass of wine by the fire. The familiarity of the cold tiles in the bathroom and the sound of the Keurig machine as it goes on in the morning. The ringing of the washer as the load of laundry is done, and the sound of bells on the porch when your old wind chime catches a breeze. Let’s not forget the smell of your dogs breath when he comes to greet you with a kiss, and the sound of bickering children from the room next door. It’s HOME, my favorite place…and the place for love and for healing.

Well, you probably are thinking what are you getting at Deb? yes, that was all nice and felt good…but what do you exactly mean by Home Healing? Well, friends this has been something the Lord has been calling me to do the last few months now. Eager to find purpose and be able to mesh my love for decorating and home with service. See, I have to admit something to you all, I’ve come to learn that I don’t love being an interior decorator. It is certainly good for me to take on a project here or there to strengthen my skills a bit and to make a little extra money, but I don’t find total happiness when I do it. There is something about decorating my house that feels more satisfying and I say that in the nicest way possible. I think at the end of the day, yes it’s my craft and my creative joy…but it also is my way of expressing HOME. How to make my home a place I love and its more then just the decor it’s the feelings and senses that come along with it. It’s the way I can paint a piece of furniture with the sound of some french lady singing in the background. How some store bought fresh flowers finds it’s place in a vase on the island, and the cup of coffee I have right before a spark of some creative idea hits me with how to re-arrange the shelf again. See, its more then the decorating it’s the feeling, the excitement, and the joy of home I am creating through it.

Well, that leads me here….with this crazy idea God lead me to months ago. The idea that I thought would be a book. And maybe one day it will be, but it was an idea that hit me and I kept fighting and fighting until finally it seems to be the idea that only makes sense. It’s like God smacked the words “Home Healing” across my forehead and they haven’t left.
I am creating a FREE group all about Home Healing! It is going to be a group centered around the simple joys in life at home. Now, anyone can join this group to find happiness and peace. I initially thought to create this, for those that are looking for healing. Whether that is from a loss of a loved ones, empty-nester syndrome, loss of self, over the mundane of life, in the process of healing from sickness, widowed, bored, empty, or just need something to look forward to. You can be at any stage of your life and this will be for men or women but I know most of my following are women so if I say ladies here and there and you’re a dude…forgive me!

We all know a mom who is burnt out, or someone who is in the process of getting over a bad divorce. I want this group to be encouraging and inspirational. It’s going to be a place to be filled, entertained, and find healing in your home.
I will be sharing decorating of course, but this will be so much more! A weekly video (which I will be calling doses) that will be focused on each months’ subject (Prescription). It will be something you won’t have to think a lot about but just be there for the joys of the group. I will be encouraging everyone to take part in the new projects each week to do on your own, but this will be a go at your own pace. It will be a little bit of projects, baking, crafting, cooking, organizing but in such a new way. I have such big plans for this group for the future…but first let’s get this started!

On January 6th I will kick of the group. Right after the holidays and before those winter blues hit. All I ask is if this is something you feel you need in your life or know someone that needs it, follow the group here!
I will be sharing the 1st of the month a new blog post about the “prescription” or topic that we will cover that month. Just to give you a little idea…I am already working on January and we will be focused on Home Resolutions. What are the ideas you have always wanted to try or improve at home and I’ll be walking through a few of those with you each week.

The group will also have a share thread so you can share your process, story, or photos with us every week. So much is still brewing and I am sure we will watch this group evolve over the next year. One things is for sure…we will be having a monthly giveaway again! I miss my “Favorite Things box” (those that have been around here for a while may remember those back a few years ago when I was doing that). Well, that will be part of the group along with community, fun, and the perfect touch of Home ideas to get you healed and happy! I will also be doing a weekly blog post on the doses, but to catch them live you must be in the group! I want this to be Homework for you all to feel accomplished, fulfilled, and strengthened. Whether we are working on new skills or just having fun giving something new a shot. What better way then having someone walk you through it all and join a community of women looking for happiness in their home.

P.S. This will also be a place where mistakes and set backs are okay, but with the environment around us we can enjoy ever bit. Most importantly for a home to love we need to have the right senses that make home extra special. Sound, Touch, Taste, Sight, and Smell and our 6th sense spirit (there will certainly be a little Jesus in this group). We will have every month our new senses to make that month more exciting and fabulous.
Please Pin if you know this could help someone!

11 Responses
I but think this is such an AWESOME idea, but when I clicked on the link, I found you have to be on FACEBOOK, which I’m not, in order to be a part of it. I thought, perhaps, it would be an IO group or Yahoo–something like that, which I am familiar with. I am a widow, and have found MUCH contentment in the rebuilding of my life as I’ve made this little townhouse into a home over the past six+ years since my husband died. Every little touch which I’ve added has been an act of love and of healing.
Hi Evelyn, this so warms my heart, because I know how creating and making home there is such healing in that. Unfortunately, facebook is the only platform I am familiar with using successfully. You can join facebook if you can or I will still be posting here the videos and prescriptions and doses in blog posts. Of course facebook is a great way to share, be involved with the giveaway, and be part of the community. Let me know if this encourages you to join!
Hi Deb, I also am not on Facebook, but because I refuse to support the entity behind it and IG. So if you are able to extend this group effort to your blog, that would be fantastic. If not, I certainly understand that you may only have so much bandwidth for building this special network. Best wishes for great success with it. Cheers, Ardith
Best wishes to you, Evelyn. You have my admiration for creating a new life and beautiful home for yourself.
What a beautiful idea! We’ve all felt down and defeated at one point or another. We’re human not perfect. Can’t wait to be a part of and sharing what I love!
I am so excited to hear that Sondra!
Thank you for this. I had no idea I needed it until I saw it. We just moved into our new home three months ago and just when I thought I would start enjoying fixing up my home, my mom has been diagnosed with lung cancer and I’m struggling to find peace or joy in anything. She’s in TN and I’m in NM.
Oh Marion I am so sorry to hear that about your mom. Praying for you mom and healing. xoxo
So happy you found your calling! I am similar in that way also. Love all things home, decorating, etc… dabbled in it professionally, but don’t know if it filled my cup like I thought it would. It will always be my passion, just enjoy doing it in my own home and sharing. Good luck and excited to join the group.
Thank you so much Suzanne! xoxo
I love this so much and want to be included however I don’t do Facebook.
Hi Cat, I know I am so sorry that it has to be facebook, but it’s the only platform I can really control and understand. It’s never too late to join! I will be sharing details and post to my blog, but to be involved with the community and giveaways the group will be good for that.