This year especially, I am understanding the feeling of what small businesses go through. Though I feel like my blog is a small business that I’ve been working at for the last 8 years I can now understand the view from having a product line and online shop . The perspective into the true small business adventures that retailers/makers have. Every small detail it takes to make a product, wrap a product, protect is from shipping casualties, and of course the up and downs of your bank account as you purchase product and sell. Its more than most people know and there is something so brave about the process. There truly is no easy paycheck at the end of the day and there are many years of struggle…but what keeps the business afloat? The DREAM of course! There is nothing like the dream that fuels you during late nights, long hours, negative bank accounts, and even negative feedback. So, to all the small shops that are still chugging along…I pray for your success, your twinkle, and your overall accomplishment. I couldn’t start off the Holiday shopping season without starting with the small business owners! There are so many out there both online and brick and mortar, but I am focusing specifically on the Etsy shop owners today. Many of them are just getting started, don’t have a home base of customers and Etsy is easy to shop, to make that hustle and bustle of shopping a bit easier.

I would also like to include that we are sharing small businesses all week on our fleur & flame Instagram account too, so definitely go and check that our!
Here are some amazing gift idea, self idea, and beautiful pieces overall that are from some amazing small Etsy shops!