Hi there friends, I hope it was a beautiful creative weekend for you all! Sharing with you our weekly Welcome Home Sunday round up post!
Welcome Home Sunday

Seeking Lavender Lane / Paint Colors For a 2021 Home

Sincerely, Marie Designs / How to Refinish Butcher Block Countertops

The Tattered Pew / Free 2021 Printable Planner

White Arrows Home / Tips For Styling A Bookshelf

Noting Grace / Making Over A Music Room

The Frugal Homemaker / How To Install Board and Batten Trim

2 Responses
Hi Deb,
I am in love with that kitchen!! I have the exact same ???? and would love to know where you found the brass ladle? That looks awesome and nice and deep. The whole setup is a dream! The picture, the crock, the teapot…and those to die for countertops as well as that gorgeous stove!! When I lived at home with my mom and dad we always had a gas cooking stove but for the last 44 years of wedded bliss, I have yet to achieve that! Hubby, a city boy, always had electric and because he doesn’t like gas, I get to suffer…lol! Trust me though, even though I can’t have gas where I live because it isn’t in the rural areas, I WILL have propane if it’s the last thing I do!????????????
Hi Shirley! The image you are referring to is my friend Amanda’s kitchen the link is with the photo, def give her a follow and ask her about the teapot! It’s gorgeous and you will love her blog.